Thursday, July 4, 2024



pubic hair

six and a half acres of sexy naked young men
is quite a lot of sexy naked young men.
all these sexy naked young men
in this six-and-a-half-acre plot of land
standing around talking to each other.
they are talking about the weather,
of course. always a handy topic of
conversation. they are talking
about the government. they are
talking about sports. they are
talking about movies. they are
talking about dreams and
aspirations, wishes and fears.
every now and then, one
of these sexy naked young men
kind of breaks down and starts
crying. that's quite an unusual
sight, though, among those
six and a half acres of sexy naked
young men, to see one of them
crying.  the others are remarkably
sympathetic when this occurs, though.
someone offers the crier a drink.
someone offers the crier a shoulder to
cry on. figure approximately
500 sexy naked young men -- at least --
per acre. that's 500 times 6 which
is 3000, plus 500 times .5 which
is 250; so the total number
of sexy naked young men
standing around in that
6 and a half acres is equal to 3,250.
which is quite a lot.  there's
quite a lot of diversity possible
in a group of that many sexy naked
young men, quite a few variations
in views and viewpoints and opinions,
in dominance, in meekness, in
sexuality, meanness, kindness.
mostly, though, those that
cry gets comforted. it's
really quite

--Carl Miller Daniels (September 10, 2007)






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