Friday, July 26, 2024




Two poems





the old lady kept staring at the sexy young man's earring.
the earring was a little hoop of gold, quite small, and shiny.
the young man was very sexy, with tight faded jeans, and
a nice light-blue tight t-shirt.  he was sitting
on a bench in front of an elementary school,
waiting for his little brother to get out of school.
the old lady was waiting for her grand-daughter. she
was going to take her grand-daughter out for a soda
before they walked to the old lady's home together.
she was sitting on the bench beside the sexy young man.
the old lady kept staring at the sexy young man's earring.
finally, she said: "i'm waiting for my grand-daughter. we're
going to have a soda."  the sexy young man said:
"i'm waiting for my little brother. we're going
to see the new STAR WARS movie before i take him
home. i'm home from college on break. it's nice
i get to spend some time with my little brother."
"that is nice," said the old lady.
the sky was blue; the breeze was warm and
friendly. "i like your earring," said the old
lady.  "thank-you" said the sexy young man.
"it used to be that men couldn't wear an
earring, or even earrings, two -- or
even more -- earrings, but those days
are long gone, aren't they?" said the
old lady. "yes, i suppose they are," said
the sexy young man.  "i do like your
earring," said the old lady.
"thank-you" said the sexy young man.
soon, the old lady's grand-daughter and
the sexy young man's little brother came out of
the building, and walked over to the
bench where the old lady and the sexy
young man were sitting.
the sexy young man stood up and
greeted his little brother. the old
lady stood up and greeted her
grand-daughter.  "well," said
the old lady to the sexy young
man, "it was nice talking with
you."  "nice talking with you,
too," said the sexy young man.
the old lady and her grand-daughter
walked off in one direction, and
the sexy young man and his little brother
walked off in the other direction.
"he seemed like a nice young man,"
the old lady said to her grand-daughter, "but
i still don't think men should wear earrings."
"oh grammy," said the little girl.  "lots
of guys do. all the time."
"hmmmm," said the old lady.
the sexy young man said to his
little brother, "i don't think that
lady liked my earring." "how do you
know?" said his little brother. "what
did she say?" "she said she liked
my earring," said the sexy young man.
"oh, well, then," said the little
brother. "she hated it alright."
"that was my thought, too," said
the sexy young man.
the old lady and her grand-daughter
enjoyed their sodas.
the sexy young man and his little
brother enjoyed the STAR WARS movie.
later that afternoon, to her
grand-daughter, the old lady
said, "still, though, that young
man with the earring, he was
a very attractive young man, wasn't
he?" the grand-daughter nodded.
and, later that afternoon, to
his little brother, the sexy young
man said, "it bugs me when
people i don't even know
say something about my earring."
"yep," said his little brother.
"uh huh."
night fell. everybody went to
sleep. the moon rose over
an open plain a thousand
miles away in nebraska.
an owl killed a mouse
and tore it into pieces
so that it could swallow
the chunks.  the wind
was but a whisper.

--Carl Miller Daniels (February 13, 2008)



brown gravy slathered over mashed potatoes:
the smell, the taste--heaven.
after eating a bunch of it,
his belly bulging gently against his belt,
sexy food-satiated young man is
extra-horny, thinking all kinds
of sexual thoughts about stimulating his dick
and about sexual organs and about
attractive human bodies, particularly
those bodies that look as good as
his does.
sexy horny food-satiated young man
arrives at zach's door and knocks.
zach is his best friend, and more.
sexy horny food-satiated young man says
"hey, it's me"
and zach says "come in."
sexy horny food-satiated young man
opens the door and walks into zach's room.
zach is standing
there waiting, wearing only a towel.
zach is very good-looking. zach
is freshly showered.
sexy horny food-satiated young man closes
the door behind him and locks it.
sexy horny food-satiated young man
says "god i'm horny wanna fool around?"
and zach, who hates
games of any kind and values
purposeful directness above all things,
says "i'll jerk you off while you jerk me off,"
and so that's exactly what they do
for the next three minutes.
when they are done,
when they've each spurted cum
onto each other's hard taut flat bellies
and smeared their hands with it,
they wipe themselves off,
get dressed, and
go out for
food, all kinds of it,
more than anybody should
ever eat at one time but
they're young and sexy
and skinny and hyperactive
and easily metabolize
vast quantities of
food and when they
finish eating, they
go back to zach's room
and strip naked and
crawl into zach's bed
and spend the night
there doing all kinds
of excessive mutual
dick-stimulating activities
between naps
and potato chips
and m'n'm's,
a whole shiny bagful.
that morning,
they go out for breakfast and have
biscuits slathered in country-style
gravy. is there no end to
their indulgence? well, no.
apparently not.

--Carl Miller Daniels (March 1, 2008)






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