Wednesday, July 24, 2024




in the attempt to capture the moment, as it were,
the sexy skinny little blond teenage boy
took photographs. also, he secretly wrote poems,
short stories,
essays, diary entries, flash fiction, and the first three
chapters of a novel. the moment he wished
to capture was the moment of his own
orgasm, always a spectacular and earth-shattering
moment in his life, always occuring alone,
and generally on his back, and in his own
bed -- all the covers thrown back -- the
orgasm accomplished through
the rapidly-being-perfected art and science
of skillful and enthusiastic masturbation.
he photographed himself quite a few times
during this activity, learning the workings
of setting the camera's timer to go off, finding
out instead that just setting the camera
to keep on rolling through the whole
event seemed to work
quite nicely, and then selecting out the
few still-frames that best seemed
to sum up the occasion. he kept
these photos and films quite quite
hidden away. and referred to them,
and to his poems, stories, essays, and
other writings, frequently to
see if he had, in fact, captured
the true spirit of the moment.
nothing seemed entirely
to do it. even, he hated to admit,
what seemed to him his dirtiest
little secret, the
big stash of crisp white kleenexes
that he kept, crunchy with the gentle
vague muskiness of his own dried
cum. he had used these
kleenexes to mop himself up
after each of his
wet sloppy gloppy cum-messy orgasms.
after an orgasm, he always
wiped up his chest & belly & cum-dribbly
pubic hair with a handful of nice
fresh kleenexes -- white, unscented,
nothing to interfere with the
scent of his own youthful muskiness.
he stashed them deep in the back
of a drawer, behind a stack
of notebooks, and
sometimes he held these aging
and used kleenexes
in his hands, and up to his nose,
as he looked at his still-photos
and watched his movies and read
his poems and essays and
flash fiction and the first
three chapters of his novel.
and still, still, nothing
seemed to capture the exact
spirit of the momoment of
being a
sexy skinny little blond teenage boy
lying naked on his back playing with
his great big smooth hard dick and spurting
big wet smelly gooey splats of cum.
several years later, he saw
two feral cats fucking in the
backyard--yowling their
heads off as one rammed its
cat-dick deeply
into the other. "hmmmmmm,"
the sexy skinny little blond young man
said to himself.
just "hmmmmmmm."

--Carl Miller Daniels (January 30, 2008)






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