Thursday, July 25, 2024


Hi. I posted this poem and the link to the corresponding YouTube video a while ago. I included some information about ASMR in that posting. Today, I've added a bit more information about ASMR, and expanded a bit on how the term ASMR applies to the video that features this poem. That said, hoping you enjoy the poem and the video! Best wishes, Carl Miller Daniels๐Ÿ˜Š






waking up one morning,
the good-looking big-dicked sexy young man
bounded out of bed,
got in his car, and started driving.
he went far far far into
the countryside, found a
forest, parked his car,
walked into the forest,
and sat down on a rock
and thought about his life. while
he was thinking about his life,
he stripped off all his clothes
and tugged on his big hard smooth dick,
there in the forest, alone except
for the black-n-white banded
kingsnake, nestled only a
few feet away from his
naked toes.
the good-looking big-dicked sexy young man
the black-n-white banded kingsnake
watched each other as the
the good-looking big-dicked sexy young man
played with his own dick, and, right
the good-looking big-dicked sexy young man
spurted a whole bunch of cum, big gooey
gobs of it, the
black-n-white banded kingsnake said:
"pleasure is all that really matters,
isn't it?"
to which the good-looking big-dicked sexy young man
replied: "it's important, all right."
the two of them continued looking
at each other, there in the
middle of the forest,
the good-looking big-dicked sexy young man,
the black-n-white banded kingsnake.
then, when the
good-looking big-dicked sexy young man
said, "well, gotta go now, i'm late
for a wedding,"
the black-n-white banded kingsnake
crawled away, deeper into
the forest, profoundly disappointed
by this, his very first reptile-human inter-species   
the good-looking big-dicked sexy young man
sensed the snake's disappointment,
but, upon leaving the forest,
the good-looking big-dicked sexy young man
went to the wedding, and, while there (and
when the bride's back was turned), he
indulged in a few puzzling shenanigans with
the groom, during which, among
other things, he and the groom secretly shared
tall frothy glasses
of the most expensive champagne.

--Carl Miller Daniels (This poem appeared in Thieves Jargon, issue #203, October 19, 2010.)

Happy Note: Not too long ago, this poem was featured in a DeepSNAKES video by Karina Bush and AI. Here's the link to that video:

Another Note: For those of you who might not know the term ASMR (before this film was made, I didn't), ASMR stands for  autonomous sensory meridian response; a term used to describe a tingling, static-like, or goosebumps sensation in response to specific triggering audio or visual stimuli. These sensations are said to spread across the skull or down the back of the neck and, for some, down the spine or limbs.

I found all that on Google. And now that I know what ASMR means, I totally understand how it applies to my poem. Those into ASMR would undoubtedly say that the voice in this video is sexy. The sound of the words, the sound of the voice of the narrator, is smoothly eager, stimulating, and hot. And, the ASMR folks would probably add that the gorgeously colorful images are visually stunning, and more than suggestive of a mystical natural world that's dense with sexy scents and erotically-charged flora and fauna.    

Anyhow! I hope you enjoy my poem, and that you enjoy the film that's now showing on DeepSNAKES.

Here's a still from the film --






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