Sunday, July 28, 2024




Dear Ed

the smell of stationery when writing an old-fashioned
hand-written letter is kind of neutral, but not.
kind of vellum, papery, but neutral. almost flat.
vacuum-ish, but not. the smell of the stationery
upon which the sexy naked young man is writing
a love-letter to his boyfriend is perhaps
just a bit acrid, just a tad bit sharp
and acrid, but mostly
the smell is so quiet and neutral and calm
that the sexy naked young men who
is writing the love-letter to his boyfriend is
hardly aware that there's a smell at all.
he sits there holding the pen
and he is naked and his dick
is hard and he is telling his
boyfriend things he wants to
do with his boyfriend at this
very moment. he writes carefully
and beautifully -- many have
commented on his handwriting,
elegant, yet masculine, firm,
perhaps even authoritative,
but gentle, with clear quick
clean strokes, and the
sexy naked young man who
is writing the love-letter
goes right on writing the
letter, smelling the
neutrality of the paper,
as the tip of his cock begins
to shine with the delicate
sheen of a droplet of
pre-cum, also a neutral
smell, but not really,
not the pungent musky
smell of cum at all,
but certainly not
entirely neutral,
like the smell of
the paper is not entirely
neutral, but sort of,
approximately, and quiet.

--Carl Miller Daniels (March 21, 2008)






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