Saturday, May 25, 2024




the specific gravity of martian fire rockets

both sexy naked big-dicked teenage boys
felt wonderfully calm and relaxed.
"yessireee," said one of the
sexy naked big-dicked teenage boys,
"there's really nothing like having
your dick sucked, is there?"
"nothin' like it," agreed the
other sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy.
"let's do it again, but
this time let's suck each other
off at the same time, instead
of taking turns," said
one of the
sexy naked big-dicked teenage boys.
"OK!" said the
other sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy.
so they arranged themselves
as comfortably as
possible in the "69"
position. and
sucked on each other's
dicks until they
spurted another
load of cum into
each other's
"ahhhhh" they
both said, as
they un-assumed
the "69" position,
and then lay there
together, side by side,
staring up into the
the feeling of calmness
that followed after
they'd each spurted their cum into
the other's mouth
was paradise itself,
almost as pleasurable as the
orgasms themselves -- almost.
a few moments later,
the two sexy naked big-dicked teenage boys
are sitting side by side, on the big smooth
flat gray rock, overlooking
the summer-warm lake.
the trilling of distant insects
is lovely, and exotic. "well, i guess
we better be getting going,"
says one of the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boys.
"guess so," says the
other sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy.
then both boys sigh and
kiss each other on the lips.
then they blink,
but neither of them stands up.
neither of them wants to leave, one explanation:
the gravitational pull of
basalt is still holding them
firmly against the rock.
another explanation:
love, and sex, sex and
on a day like this, the aftertaste
of sweet cum in
the back of your
pink thirsty

--Carl Miller Daniels (2015)






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