Monday, May 27, 2024



My Jim Carroll fantasy -- more

Jim Carroll is a hot basketball player
on my high school basketball team.
I'm not a basketball player, or
an athlete of any kind. Jim Carroll
and I have nothing in common, really --
except both of us think that
Jim Carroll is very good-looking.
Jim Carroll is very good-looking
indeed, and I have the hots for
him and he lets me suck his dick.
My parents are kind of rich.
His parents are poor. He's
on scholarship at my fancy
high school because of
his basketball greatness.
He does a variety of drugs,
and needs money to pay for
the drug habit(s) that he's got.
So here it is the year 1965 and
Jim Carroll and I are both in the same
English class in our high school,
and one day we worked things
out so that he comes over
to my apartment when my
parents are gone, and he
lets me suck his dick
and I pay him $20 every
time I suck him off.
I get a real good allowance
from my parents, and $20
doesn't set me back that
much. Sometimes, to be
honest, and he's such a
horny guy, and I'm so
in lust with him, I'll
suck him off three times
in the same afternoon,
and, at $20 a pop, he'll
leave my apartment with
$60 in his pocket and a smile on    
his handsome face.
He's tall and skinny and
beautiful, and I'm tall
and skinny and not-ugly,
but mostly, and he's made
that quite clear, he's
into girls, not guys,
but he'll do stuff
with guys for money.
I'm one of those guys
he does stuff with.
I love him and crave
him and crave his
body and love sucking
his dick, and often
when I'm sucking his
dick I'm jerking myself
off and sometimes
some of my cum spurts
out onto him and since
we're both always naked
when I'm sucking him
off (that's part of
the requirement for
the $20, we both have
to be totally naked)
and we're usually
in my bed, anyhow,
when some of my cum
gets onto him, he
doesn't mind, since
he's naked and it
doesn't get on his
clothes, and he's
a good sport about
my own ejaculations,
kind of grins and
bears them, casually wipes
himself off after I
spurt my cum on him, and,
goddamn I love him,
he's hot, he lets
me suck his dick,
and if he actually
liked me, it would
be great, but mostly
he tolerates me, but
he likes the $20
arrangement we have
quite a bit, I'm glad
I have the money
to offer him because
if I didn't have money
to pay him I know for
sure he'd never be
in my apartment and
never be in
my bed and I'd never
be sucking his big
smooth gorgeous dick
and swallowing his
hot musky cum.
What else can I say?
It's 1965 and I love
Jim Carroll and I
love sucking his dick
and that's about it,
summarizes what the
two of us get from
each other, and at
least he likes me enough
to let me suck him
off and sometimes
spurt my cum onto
him, and I am
in love with him,
and while he's in
my bed I get to pretend
he's in love
with me too, and, for all that,
I am eternally

--Carl Miller Daniels (May 27, 2024)



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