Sunday, September 22, 2024


I posted this poem a while back -- It's poem number 12 in my John-Boy Walton Fantasy series.  Sharing the poem again now.  Enjoy!๐Ÿ˜Š




Yes I've been fantasizing again...
What if it were the year 1936, and I,
Carl Miller Daniels, was a freshman at the same
university where John-Boy Walton
was also a freshman? You may
remember John-Boy Walton from
The Waltons tv series. John-Boy Walton
was sweet and sexy and very hot. If you need
a refresher, just watch some of the
old re-runs of The Waltons. I've been
doing a lot of that lately. And all that
watching got me thinking these kinds
of thoughts: I was thinking that
if it were 1936, and John-Boy Walton was
a freshman, and I was also a freshman at
the same university, and
we met, what might have happened.
John-Boy Walton is a writer. John-Boy
writes about all kinds of things,
things in his life that mattered to him
and touched him deeply.
Maybe he would have written
a letter to me. Maybe he would have
written lots of letters to me.
Maybe one of the letters
that he wrote to me would look  
something like this one (see below).
I can just imagine...
Best wishes, Carl Miller Daniels


Dear Carl
(J-BW Epistolary Fantasy Poem 12)

Dear Carl,

It was wonderful being in the woods
with you. I was delighted and nervous
to take you to my special spot, that spot
where that one special great
big smooth old Beech Tree grows, far out
in woods miles from anything or
anyone. I know it was a long walk,
and I'm sure glad you were willing
to walk so far. And then, when
we got to my special spot, and
my favorite tree, that gigantic
gray Beech Tree with the incredibly
smooth bark, you were more than
willing to join in and let me
fulfill my fantasy. Carl, like
I told you, many times I
have taken off all my clothes
and wrapped my arms and legs
around that gigantic
tree, and rubbed the
underside of my erect penis
up against the smooth silky
bark of that tree,
until I ejaculate. Sometimes,
as I told you, I've ejaculated
by rubbing myself up against that
tree as many as four or five times
during a single day. I love being
naked out in the middle
of the woods, in my secret
place, with that wonderfully
smooth old tree.  I love
rubbing myself up against
it, I love the feel of
its satiny bark against
my erect phallus as I
rut against that tree. But,
as you now know, while
I love achieving orgasm
in that way, I've long
fantasized that a handsome
young man would fuck
my anus as I was rubbing
my dick up against that
tree.  And, Carl, that
young man was you! It was
fantastic having your
big hard dick thrusting
into my anus as I thrust
my own big hard dick
up against that tree.
I was able to spread
my legs wide apart as
I wrapped them around
the tree and savored
the feel of your beautiful
phallus as you inserted
it into my anus. I was
able to savor
your motion as you
pumped away, soon ejaculating
your own gobs of semen
deep into me as I spurted
my own drippy viscous
gobs of semen onto
the smooth bark of that
giant tree. Carl, during
that afternoon, we fucked
in this manner a full
and joyful three times.
I was in paradise. I loved having
you behind me, thrusting
your big hot penis into
me as I rubbed my nipples
against that smooth bark,
as I rubbed my erect penis
against that smooth warm
welcoming bark,
and wrapped my legs
and arms around that
tree, that tree onto which
I've spurted my semen
many many times. And those
secret times by myself have all
been wonderful erotic
fantasies as I drenched
that tree with my own semen.
But that afternoon with you, Carl,
as you fucked my wide-open anus as
I spread my legs wide to receive you,
and clinched the tree trunk
with the muscles of my
thighs, while you thrust
your big penis into
my wide-open anus, I was
able to open my
anus so wide for you, I
think wider than I've
ever had it open before, my anus
eager to feel the smoothness
of your glans slide into
me, then the full length
of your throbbing shaft as
you thrust deeper and deeper
into the hot tightness of my guts.
Carl, saying "Thank You"
does not begin to
cover my appreciation
for that afternoon
in the woods. But I
will ask a question. Carl, do
you have a sexual fantasy of
your own that you'd
like to share with me?
I know during these
past months we've talked
about everything with each other,
I know we feel comfortable
talking with each other
about whatever may
cross our minds. But
maybe there's been something
that you've been uneasy
about asking me to do
with you, sexually that is.
Well, Carl, I promise
you, whatever it is,
I'm "on-board".  Just
ask, okay? Be thinking
about it, perhaps you
just want me to observe
you as you masturbate
in some way that you're
afraid might seem odd
or strange to me. Carl,
fear not! I shared with you my
love of fucking a tree! I told
you that I wanted to be fucked
while fucking a tree!
You made me feel free and
willing to share that
part of my sexual world
with you. So I hope you'll
feel free and willing to
share any part, any
part at all, of your
sexual dream-world with me!
Carl, I like you
and I love you and I
want to share in your
sexual pleasure in as
many ways as possible.
So be thinking about
our next sexual encounter,
whatever it may be.
And, in the meantime,
I'll savor our
recent afternoon
in the woods, where you
made one of my own
sexual fantasies spring
to life, and become
absolutely real.
Until next time,

Your friend and lover,
John-Boy Walton
(Carl, again I find myself sitting naked
at my desk alone in
my dorm room, I'm fondling my erect phallus, and
thinking of you, as I write
this letter, one of many letters,
written to you during our Freshman Year,
1936, an erotic year of sensual memories, including   
the sight of our constantly erect phalluses and the
lingering scent of our gushing and co-mingled semen.)
Carl, I love you and I crave your body!
Good night and sweet dreams!




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