Friday, September 27, 2024



Anticipation -- just occured to me -- the word "anticipation" sounds kinda like the word "masturbation" doesn't it? There's a lot of anticipation going on during masturbation. A lot of anticipating while masturbating. "When will the orgasm happen?" he may be thinking. "I'm happy to keep masturbating for as long as possible, but I'm sure looking forward to that orgasm." Anticipating while masturbating. "Will it be a really great orgasm this time? Or just a regular one? The regular ones are great, but the fantastic ones are wonderful." Anticipating the orgasm. The way of the world... "Will there be a whole lot of cum this time? Or just the regular amount?" So there he is -- a hot guy tugging on his big thick dick, eager, but, not too eager, anticipating, but quite willing to wait. Eager for the orgasm, thinking about the orgasm, wanting the orgasm. But the masturbating itself feels so good. Still, that orgasm. Ooohh that orgasm.  It's gonna be soon, but not tooo soon. Anticipating while masturbating. Anticipation and masturbation. They just go together like, um, soup and sandwich? Remember that Campbell's soup ad from long ago? Anyhow. Happy Friday!




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