Sunday, June 30, 2024




My Jim Carroll fantasy -- today, his perineum

"Just lie back, spread your legs,
lift your butt, and
let me get a good look
at your perineum
while you're cumming." I
say this to Jim Carroll.
He's in my bedroom, lying
naked on my bed. He's
on his back, his butt on
a pillow, his legs are
spread wide so that
I can get a good
look at his perineum,
and while he's jerking
off, I am standing on
the floor beside
my bed, bent over him,
watching him very intently
while I am jerking myself
Jim Carroll and me are
in my apartment, or
rather my parents' apartment. My
parents are gone for
the afternoon.

As you may recall,
Jim Carroll and me are in
the same English class at
the fancy high school we both
go to. I sit
right behind him
in that English class.
Jim Carroll's parents
are poor.  My parents
are kinda rich. Jim Carroll
does drugs. He needs money
for that. I get a generous
allowance. So today I'm
paying Jim Carroll to lie
on his back and show off
his perineum while he
jerks off, and I watch him
do that.

I love watching the
muscles under the
skin of
his perineum contract
pump pulse
whatever you want
to call it, while
he's spurting cum.

Also, I'm in love
with Jim Carroll. He's a hot
skinny gorgeous basketball
player. He's a great basketball
player. That's why he's
going to my fancy expensive
private high school. They
gave him a scholarship to
play basketball for them.
He's really good. I don't
play any sports. Mainly
I read a lot. One day after
English class I got up
enough nerve to talk to
him and offered him money
to come to my apartment
and have sex with me.
People talk. I knew he
sometimes has sex with
guys for money, even
though he's straight.


So today Jim Carroll and
me are once again doing sexy stuff
in my bedroom.
We've agreed on the
price. I'm paying
him $75 today to let
me watch him cum,
let me watch his
perineum pulse,
while I jerk myself off
until I cum.

I've got a real
good view of him
lying there. His
legs are spread real
wide, his knees are
up, his balls are pulled
up tight, so that
they're not hanging
in front of his
perineum and blocking
the view. His asshole
is so tiny it's
practically a pin prick.
It's pink, and very
very tight.

Of course I guess
it's a weird kind
of fetish of mine
that I like to
watch his perineum,
that's the area
between the back of
his balls and the front
of his anus, I like
to watch it pulse
while he's spurting

"I'm getting close,"
Jim Carroll says
to me as he tugs
on his big smooth
cock and his butt
kinda writhes against
the pillow as I tug
on my big thick dick
and lean in to watch
his perineum do
what it does when
he cums.

Then it happens, he
starts spurting
cum onto his chest
and belly and I
watch his perineum
pulse.  Each pulse
accompanies each
spurt of his cum.
Spurt-pulse, spurt-pulse,
they happen at the
same time, each
spurt and each pulse,
and there it goes,
my own cum

I say "Ahhhhh" and
start cumming
while I'm watching
his gorgeous butt
and his tight balls
and the pulse of
his perineum as
he spurts out
the last of
his load.

Some of my cum
goes onto one of
his legs, and
he laughs and
says "I'm gonna
have to charge you
extra for that -- for
cumming on me, I mean."

I laugh and say
"OK, how much" and
he says "let's make
it another $25" and
I say "sure what
the heck."

Then he stands up
and looks at me,
all sexy and skinny
his big dick still
hard and kinda throbbing
and I look at him,
me all hot and skinny
my own dick still
rock hard

and he says, as
he wipes the cum (his
cum and my cum too) off himself
with a towel I keep
by the bed for exactly
that purpose
"So I'm running kinda
late, got a basketball
game to get to" and
he starts getting dressed.

So I go to my desk and
get the $100, he
finishes getting
dressed, and I give
the money to him, he grins
and puts it in the
front pocket of
his jeans.

"Next week?" I ask
him.  "Sure" he says,
"and not that it's
any problem of
mine," he
says to me, "but your
cock is dripping
cum onto
this nice fancy carpet of

"So it is," I say.
We both laugh
a kinda goofy laugh,
and he leaves
my room, heads
down the hall,
goes out the apartment

Now I'm standing
in the living room,
my cock is still
dripping cum,
I'll worry about
that later, though,
'cause right now
I'm picturing
Jim Carroll's smooth
tight perineum,
as it's cheerfully pumping    
away, as he spurts
cum and spurts cum
and spurts cum

and I know I'll
be spurting my own cum
again real soon

I head for my
bathroom, grab
a tub of vaseline,
apply some of the
stuff to my dick
and balls and butt hole
step into the

and do all kinds of
stuff to my
hot young body

thinking of
Jim Carroll,
and his.

--Carl Miller Daniels (June 30, 2024)




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