Sunday, March 31, 2024




20 minutes

tender big-dicked teenage boy walks along beach,
bends down, picks up sand, flings it into the
waves. the tension of his own dick against
the front of his swimsuit is pleasurably
painful, the rub and wrinkle of the fabric
against his own tight smooth dick. he walks
with a swagger, his shoulders wide, his
waist narrow.  he looks far far out to sea,
at the distant curve of the hot horizon,
the sky is blue-white, the line between
it and the green-gray ocean precise, abrupt; it
strikes him as almost shocking how definite
it is which is the water, and which is the
sky. he longs for that sort of clarity
in his own life, walking sexy
big-dicked broad-shouldered along the
beach. he bends down and flings sand
again. he's angry. he's sad. he's
sexually crazed. the growl that
emanates from the back of his throat
is scary, and totally uncool.

--Carl Miller Daniels (February 24, 2005)




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