Thursday, September 1, 2022


water the dog and take out the cat.
water the dog and take out the cat.
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
often had words going around inside his head.
a lot.
sometimes his brain stuck in a loop
and he repeated the exact same
sentence or exact same phrase to himself
dozens, perhaps even hundreds of times.
water the dog and take out the cat.
water the dog and take out the cat.
this phrase was going around inside
his handsome head now, and
it was a particularly troubling
phrase since they didn't HAVE a dog
or a cat.
it seemed,
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
just liked the sound those words
made going 'round n 'round inside
his handsome big-eyed head.
water the dog and take out the cat.
water the dog and take out the cat.
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
stood in front of his mirror,
watching his big hard smooth dick throb.
he began tugging on his dick
to the rhythm of the phrase
that was going on around inside his head.
WATer the DOG and take out the CAT.
WATer the DOG and take out the CAT.
then, finally,
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
spurted about 30 big sloppy gobs of cum
right onto his mirror,
and then
he stood there, watching it
drip down the surface of the mirror
drip down the surface of the mirror
drip down the surface of the mirror
drip down the surface of the mirror

--Carl Miller Daniels (2011)

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