Sunday, July 26, 2020

got any beer

the sexy big-dicked young man
wanted some water.
the grease-pit that was summer
settled into his armpits.
the temperature was nearly always
above 100 degrees F,
the sexy big-dicked young man
sweated near non-stop.
the hair under
his arms was thick and greasy.
when he scratched himself under his arms
his fingertips came out
oily and smelled of salt
and musk
and the pathetic after-effects
of exhausted Rightguard deoderant.
the sexy big-dicked young man
wanted some water.
he dropped his shovel
and sauntered on over to
the water tank,
and filled a paper cup full
of nice cold water,
and stood drinking it
and drinking it
and on the way down
his throat
it cooled his esophagus
and cooled his stomach
as it entered that warm
bag of pinkness
and his mouth felt good.
the sexy big-dicked young man went
back to work,
picked up his shovel,
back at it,
the day
a luxury to some,
but, to him,
winesap apples
to the birthday of
millionaires. when
his dick got hard,
he remembered the water
as the happiest moment
of his life,
as the oily sweat
caressed his
scrotum, threatened to
drown his
pubic hairs,
musky, aromatic,
yearning to be

--Carl Miller Daniels (2014)

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