Monday, October 21, 2019

Two poems that appeared in The Wormwood Review, 1993

Garden Tour, Autumn

Tiger Lilies, Periwinkles, Larkspur, Cock's Comb,
Red-Hot-Pokers, Geraniums,
Joe Pie Weed (eight feet tall),
The Bess Truman Rose, the
tea rose, salmon, tangerine, white, blush,
marigolds, elephant grass,
sunflowers, dwarf dahlias,
calla lilies, cannas,
dragon's blood sedum, ajuga, English Ivy,
Rattlesnake Ivy, Virginia Creeper,
Trumpet Vine, caladium,
hens 'n' chicks,
papyrus, water lilies,
sacred lotus, poppies,
four-o'clocks, hollyhocks,
zinias, purple, yellow, orange and pink,
a goldfish gulping at the surface of green
water, but
what I really remember
is the woman who stopped to spank
her little boy, 8 or 9 good
solid whacks on his butt,
he didn't cry once, just stood there and
took it among the flowers.

--Carl Miller Daniels (This poem appeared in The Wormwood Review, Volume 33, Number 4, Issue 132, published in 1993.)



Baked potato
sour cream
fresh chives
all the time
in the world

--Carl Miller Daniels (This poem appeared in The Wormwood Review, Volume 33, Number 4, Issue 132, published in 1993.)

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