Sunday, August 18, 2019

rose buds

two sexy naked big-dicked young men are sitting on
a bed in a motel room. they are in love with
each other.
they've just sucked each other off, and will
soon do so again.
but, for now,
they are snacking on
pretzels, and drinking beer.
"is this what love tastes like?" asks
one sexy naked big-dicked young man. "cum, and
pretzels, and beer?"
"maybe so," says the second sexy
naked big-dicked young man. "yeah, heck yeah."
then the two sexy naked big-dicked young men sigh,
and grin, and kiss each other on the lips.
then they get
right back to the pretzels, and the
beer, the tv volume
on low,
the quirky grin of

--Carl Miller Daniels

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