Friday, August 16, 2019

moby dick vs. boy dick vs. pain reason logic

while the giant whale is surfacing and exhaling a plume of air,
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy is spurting cum.
while the giant whale is spending a few moments at
the surface of the flat giant sea, breathing out
a plume of hot stale air, and breathing in a ton of raw
new air,
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy is moaning and
groaning with hyper-sensualized ecstasy as he
lies on his hot sweaty back and spurts a big gooey plume
of hot smelly boy-scented cum.
and, while the giant whale is again descending into
the depths of the ocean,
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
sighs a big satisfied sigh.
he stands up,
puts on his underpants,
slides around uneasy into
the confines of its
tight white pouch
as the giant whale
drifts further and further
into its own
silent universe.

--Carl Miller Daniels (2015)

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