Sunday, March 9, 2025




time is different in different places

while the whirligig beetles skittered across the slick
smooth surface of the pond,
the sexy naked good-looking teenage boy
squatted down on the bank and
touched the water with his fingertips.
it was a hot day near the end of august,
and school was just around the corner.
the sexy naked good-looking teenage boy was
dreading the return to school.
he would miss these days,
these days of being naked
by the pond,
watching the bugs and beetles
and birds and snakes and lizards
and turtles,
these days of
masturbating as often he liked,
out here in the sunshine,
his dick throbbing with
summer freedom.
the sexy naked good-looking teenage boy stood
up now, and tugged on his big thick hard-as-a-rock
dick, and soon he spurted 19 gobs of cum (he
counted them) as the blue sky whirled above him,
and bullfrogs made their odd deep throaty
summertime sounds.
then, he got dressed, and
went on home.
several days later,
he is sitting in trigonometry class.
the classroom is close and smelly,
that oily sawdust sweaty high-school-building kind
of smell he has grown to hate so much,
and, while the teacher says things,
the sexy good-looking teenage boy
thinks of being naked,
in the sunshine,
the pond,
the whirligig beetles,
to his utter surprise,
and with almost no warning at all,
he spurts a load of
cum, right there in   
his pants.
the sexy good-looking teenage boy
with the cum spot on the
front of his pants
covers the area with
a notebook, and
plans his escape.

--Carl Miller Daniels (July 26, 2012)




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