Monday, March 24, 2025




Three poems



peace love lust understandingsomething like that

three sexy naked big-dicked teenage boys
sit by a stream
and talk and laugh
and jerk off
and spurt cum
and laugh some more.  they are
particularly amused
at the varied trajectories at which
their cum spurts -- "rocket-launch" and
"sideways spatter badly-aimed" to
"just plain sloppy" -- and at their
varied volumes of cum -- "goodgod half a gallon!" to "just
a pitiful little ole sputter" --
then they laugh some more and talk some more
and then does life continue gently along seeming like
pure unzipped fun
three sexy naked big-dicked teenage boys sit
by a stream and
laugh and joke and spurt cum.

--Carl Miller Daniels (November 1, 2015)


the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
turns slightly green whenever he spurts cum. it's
a glowing phosphorescent kind of understated
green. but green nonetheless it surely is.
this happens whenever he spurts cum,
and then it goes away.
he's very shy, but he asked his
doctor about it.  his doctor
has no explanation, but
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
that he's perfectly healthy.
he just happens to turn slightly green
whenever he spurts
cum. "odd, atypical to be sure, but
nothing to worry yourself about," are the
exact words of el doctor.
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
considers getting a
second opinion, but then,
it's such a pretty shade
of green, almost

--Carl Miller Daniels (November 1, 2015)


unofficial total

zowie the killer flakes of an early autumn snow.
big fluffy wet "plops" as they hit the sidewalk.
all the leaves still on the trees, and the
branches hanging low, some of them breaking
under the weight of all that heavy wet snow.
the sexy big-dicked teenage boy
goes outside and
wanders around in it.
he has no real place he wants to get to.
the sexy big-dicked teenage boy
is just enjoying walking around out there,
in the heavy wet fluffy snow. big sloppy flakes
land on his hat, and he can hear them
as they hit his head.
the sexy athletic big-dicked teenage boy
walks around, just kind of
happily goofy grinning.
when he gets back home, he's all alone.
so he strips off
all his
and stands
in the
watching himself
there are
everywhere --
and he
looks good
from all
angles, as
the cum begins
to spurt, and
the snow
keeps right
on falling, copious,
white, intrusive -- so
thick it's

--Carl Miller Daniels (February 1, 2018)




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