Thursday, May 9, 2024





birds sang.
an orange butterfly landed on one
of his nipples, and
as the sexy naked
teenage boy lay there on
his back masturbating,
the proboscis of that butterfly
uncurled and licked a drop
of sweat from the edge
of that sexy teenage boy's
tiny pink nipple.
then, the proboscis recoiled,
and, just as the butterfly
was flying away, the orgasm visited
the sexy naked teenage boy,
landed on the tip of his big smooth dick
and slid down its long
smooth shaft, and rested there at
its substantial base, lingered there for
a few seconds right between his legs.
then the orgasm went away.
the sexy naked teenage boy
lay there alone on his back, his
belly and chest spattered with
his own cum, and he stared up
at the bright blue sky.
then he stood up, walked over
to the nearby stream, and washed
himself off. then he ate
a cheese sandwich, drank
some water from his canteen,
and lay back down on the
ground and waited for
the orgasm to return.
he wasn't sure it would
be the same one. if it
was, fine. if it wasn't,
if it was a different one,
with more jolt and jab and
color, that would be ok, too.
all were welcome, there in
the sunny clearing in the
secretest part of the
deep dark forest.

--Carl Miller Daniels (April 10, 2006)






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