Thursday, July 28, 2022


it was a simple enough college mens room
graffitti (or is the singular of
graffitti actually graffittum?) --
anyhow it was simple enough:
it said:
"Focus on your studies".
someone (presumably the same guy who wrote
the original line) had then
scratched through the word "studies"
and written the word
"studs" below it.
so then the line said
"Focus on your studs."
the tall sexy freshman sitting
in that particular stall on
its toilet and with
his pants down
around his ankles chuckled
as he noted that
someone had then lightly
crossed through the line that
said "Focus on your studs." and
written below that line a new line entirely:
the new line read
"Focus on me, a stud."
someone had then added the line:
"hey stud, how big are you?"
and the next line said:
"5 inches soft, 11 inches hard"
and the next line said
"prove it"
and the next line
said "where and when?"
and there was no next line after that.
the tall sexy freshman sitting there with
his pants down around his ankles
chuckled, pulled out
a black magic marker, and
drew a not-half-bad sketch
of a sexy naked guy with a huge
erect dick.  the entire composition
was about 1 1/2 feet tall, and
took approximately 3 minutes to complete.
it looked pretty good. toes and everything.
the tall sexy freshman put away
the magic marker, wiped
his butt, pulled up his pants,
flushed the toilet,
and, below his composition, he
wrote the words "signed, an art major" --
and then he left that stall,
never ever to return.
"shy" was his middle name.
but golly he loved art.

--Carl Miller Daniels (This poem appeared in Chiron Review, Issue #88, Autumn 2009.)

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