Monday, January 17, 2022

property management

what with the watershed theory gaining popularity and all
all the sexy naked young men began shaving off their
pubic hair.
all that smooth pubic skin.
all that banished hair.
none of it really made any sense, of course.
but since when did fashion have to make sense?
david and randy sat in the college sauna,
admiring each other. david and
randy were attractive
and very sexy young men, and they had both recently
shaved off all their pubic hair, every bit
of it. golly, they were smooth.
they stared and stared at
each other, each of them
wanting to mention their
shaved-off pubic hair,
but, since they didn't
know each other,
they remained silent.
after a while,
the two of them wrapped
their towels around themselves and
left the sauna, but lingered
in the showers to wash themselves,
watch themselves, and watch
other sexy naked young men wash themselves,
later, back in their own separate apartments,
on different ends of town
from each other,
david and
took off all
their clothes and spent the
night feeling smooth, so
so smooth, wondering about lots
of things, perhaps the
color of the sky at
dawn, just before the
sun really gets

--Carl Miller Daniels (2015)

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