Friday, June 19, 2020

presto change-o

slippery the slope to paradise.
slender the tender shanks of the lamb.
hey, when a good-looking sexy young man
is doing jumping-jacks naked, his dick
and balls bounce around as though
they had a life of their own.
when he's not naked, though, and
in repose, his dick and balls
don't bounce around, but they
do still behave as though they have
a life of their own: erection
and flaccidity occur and
all stages of tumescence in between
occur seemingly at random, and
sometimes the scrotum contracts
real tight and pulls the balls
that it contains real close
to the base of that
good-looking sexy young man's dick.
sometimes that good-looking sexy young man
will do jumping jacks in front of
his mirror just to watch his dick
and balls bounce around.
by then he has usually gotten
so turned on that he just has
to jerk off, and proceeds to
do so.
he never ceases to be astonished
by the sight of his own dick
spurting cum, and by the sight
of the cum itself, so slippery
and slimy -- and odiferous, too, like
the scent of sexiness itself.
waiting by the gates of paradise,
his feet in little pools of cum,
he wrinkles up his nose,
and hopes that there will
be lambchops for dinner,
not yet conscious of
the pain of that sacrificial victim,
still unaware of the suffering of loss.

--Carl Miller Daniels (This poem appeared in Zygote in my Coffee, print issue #6, Winter 2009.)

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