Tuesday, November 19, 2019

clairvoyant cupcakes

his parents are asleep in
their room at the other
end of the house.
they seem glad to have
him home for the summer.
but he's only moderately
happy to be home for the summer.
and, actually, he himself is
not sure why he
came home for the summer,
not sure why he's not going
to summer school, not sure
why he's not working
a job in some exotic land.
but here he is, home for the
summer, and now he's
lying hot and sweaty
and naked sexy
on his broad sexy
back, his big dick
hard and jutting up
into the darkness,
a train whistle blowing
in the distance,
and, as he starts to
tug gently on his
big smooth dick,
the train whistle blows again,
as he
sprawls naked
big-dicked on his bed,
tugging and tugging and tugging
away on his big smooth dick
until the cum finally spurts out,
and keeps on spurting for
what seems like at least 5
minutes, but, of course, is
probably closer to
20 seering seconds, until
his breath is deep
and satisfied,
as the train whistle
as his parents lie sleeping,
as he wonders why
he's here, home for the summer,
and the mysteries
of impending adulthood
hover over him
like droplets of cum,
waiting to drip
from the slimy-gray

--Carl Miller Daniels (2014)

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