A few random faves
guest spot
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
had been masturbating in the woods, and,
when the jolt of orgasm hit, it
was so strong, he
felt it from his nostrils to the tips
of his toes, as his cum spattered
the dry crackly leaves at his feet.
now, as he stood there
naked and post-cum delirious,
everything was so fucking quiet,
he knew just how he wanted to
feel for as long as this
feeling would last -- perhaps the
feeling he was having
could be described as "extreme
calmness" -- and he wanted to feel
this calm, and quiet too, for as
long as he could -- as quiet
and calm as he felt
at this nice quiet post-orgasmic
the tree leaves smelled
musky, and
when he put on his underpants,
they felt like a cloud, making
love to
his testicles.
--Carl Miller Daniels (October 26, 2015)
parade paraffin series
"perhaps the spirit of the dream has been lost,"
thinks the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
as he lies on his back atop his bed, all
the covers down around his feet.
"perhaps there was never really a dream to
start with," he sighs.
but of course there's
a dream, a vision, a
goal, and,
for him, there's
not doubt at all
what it is.
for the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
has decided that pretty much the only
thing that matters in life, his life anyway,
is having orgasms. and the more,
the better.
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
would prefer, of course, that each
and every orgasm would be of the
upmost quality, the highest level
of quality, the absolutely most
electro-jolting high-voltage
dick-throbbing toe-wriggling
nostril-expanding quality.
since this is not always the
case, since he must sometimes
settle for just an average-quality orgasm,
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
has decided, so be it.
and continues to think that
it's quantity over quality,
every time.
so tonight he's masturbating
once again, working
on his third orgasm of
the evening.
now he's tugging gently on his big
hard throbbing dick, tugging on it
as gently as he has ever tugged,
as a matter of fact,
trying a little tenderness
for a change, in hopes
of a bigger payoff,
and he's not to be disappointed.
this time the
sensation of
orgasm that accompanies
the cum spurting is so
intense, so wonderful,
so high-voltage electro-sensate
eyes roll back in head
nostrils flair his
mouth open panting gasping
the sensation that his big
thick throbbing dick is the center
of the universe disrupting
wave patterns all
across the vastness of
the cosmology of space
his cum spurting out
and spurting and spurting
and as all that happens
he just lies there
his fingers wrapped ever
so gently around his big
thick cum-spurting dick,
and lets the sensation
of this truly high-powered
orgasm kind of wash all
over his body, nipples,
ear lobes, tight pink asshole,
ball sac, hairs on ball sac.
and then, it is over.
this orgasm has ended.
in fact,
the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
chuckles to himself,
and says to himself,
"the orgasm has left the building."
then the sexy naked big-dicked teenage boy
puts his hands behind his head,
lies there, his chest and belly
cum-drenched, and he stares
up at the ceiling.
this has turned out pretty well.
his 3rd orgasm of the night
was a high-powered one.
he'd have settled gladly
for much less, often
now, he's got about an hour
to kill, maybe a little more,
maybe a little less,
til his dick gets hard
again and he goes
for the 4th orgasm of
the evening.
4 times wouldn't be
his record, but, well, 4 times
ain't bad,
--Carl Miller Daniels (October 30, 2015)