Tuesday, May 21, 2024



jeff's been dreamin' too

the day before yesterday,
at sun-up,
the sexy naked young man
lay alone in his own
room on his back sound asleep
spurting cum.
then, when
he woke up,
he remembered he'd been
having a dream
about a gathering
of attractive young men.
all of them were taking
their clothes off.
then, he woke up, spurting
cum, his big stiff cock
pumping the cum out of him
and soaking his belly
and chest with it.
today, that same
sexy naked young man
lies asleep on his back
in the same bed, alone.
it is nearly sun-up.
he has thrown off
the covers during the
night. his nipples are
stiff pink everted pin-pricks.
his smooth sturdy
cock is hard, and
its tip is aiming
at his chin.
at this moment, he
is dreaming that he is
kissing several attractive
young men, one after
the other.
now, he begins to
spurt cum onto his
firm naked belly
and onto his smooth naked
chest. he lies there
dreaming, pumping cum,
smiling slightly,
not yet awake.
when he does wake up,
which is soon,
he lies there blinking,
reeking of his
own hot cum, blinking
some more, and
wondering about,
you know,
when, and who, and,
most important,
he's never done it with a
guy before.  never thought
he would ever be doing it
with a guy, actually.
these last few nights of
dreams, though: he's
begun to make more than one
subtle silent prediction about
some other things that
he & his best friend jeff
might soon be doing -- things other
than, well, smoking, drinking, and
punching each
other in the arm.

--Carl Miller Daniels (December 12, 2006)





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